General Faq

Biglietti / Tickets

Tickets can be purchased on the TicketOne portal

Dove si può parcheggiare? I parcheggi sono gratuiti? / Parking

Parking areas are adjacent to the circuit and free of charge.

Le tribune sono numerate? / Seating

Grandstands are not numbered, allowing free movement within the purchased ticket area.

Le tribune sono coperte? / Seating

Only the VIP grandstand is covered.

Saranno presenti punti ristoro? / Food

There are food outlets accessible from all areas of the circuit.

Possiamo dormire all’interno del Circuito? / Overnight Stay

Staying overnight inside the circuit is not allowed.

Possiamo uscire e poi rientrare nella stessa giornata in Circuito? / Re-entry

You can exit and re-enter the circuit once per day.

Ridotti / Discounts

Available for FMI members, law enforcement, women, and minors under 16.

FAQ for disabled people

Disabilità inferiore 33% - Nessuna riduzione prevista / Disability under 33% - No discount available.
Disabilità Inps compresa fra il 34% e il 73% - Ridotto / INPS Disability between 34% and 73% - Reduced

Persons with an INPS disability between 34% and 73% can purchase a “reduced” ticket to access the circuit. An accompanying person must have a full-price ticket. A medical certificate is required at entry. Note that grandstand seats require mobility to cross pedestrian bridges with standard stairs.

For availability, prices, and reservations, visit the TicketOne site

Disabilità Inps maggiore del 74% e invalidità civile maggiore 80% - Omaggio Prato (posti limitati) / INPS Disability over 74% and Civil Disability over 80% - Complimentary General admission Access (limited)

Free entry to the  “general admission” is granted to individuals with a civil disability over 80% and INPS disability over 74%. If continuous assistance is specified on the medical certificate, the accompanying person may also enter for free; otherwise, a full-price ticket is required. Note that this area has uneven terrain and is unsuitable for wheelchairs. The sector does not provide stable seating.

To request this type of entry, please fill out the appropriate form provided below.

Dichiarazione di consenso al trattamento dei dati sensibili

Articolo 23 e 26 del Codice della Privacy

Hereby to confirm I received the information about art.13 of D.Lgs. 196/2003 and I give the permission to manage my personal information, included the sensitive ones, to "Cremona Circuit S.r.l." relating the current rule.


Disabilità Inps pari al 100% - Omaggio terrazza (posti limitati) / INPS Disability at 100% - Complimentary Terrace Access (limited seats)

Free entry to the terrace is available for those with a 100% disability who require a wheelchair. Spaces are limited and allocated on a first-come, first-served basis. If continuous assistance is specified on the medical certificate, a complimentary entry is granted to the accompanying person.

To request this type of entry, please fill out the appropriate form provided below.

Dichiarazione di consenso al trattamento dei dati sensibili

Articolo 23 e 26 del Codice della Privacy

Hereby to confirm I received the information about art.13 of D.Lgs. 196/2003 and I give the permission to manage my personal information, included the sensitive ones, to "Cremona Circuit S.r.l." relating the current rule.

Parcheggio disabili / Disabled Parking

Information about free parking for disabled individuals will be provided soon.

—– General Notes —-

Registration for disabled individuals is possible until reserved spaces are filled and must be confirmed by the circuit via email. Availability is limited, so requests should be made only if tickets will be used. Eligible individuals for free tickets must visit a ticket office on the day of the event with a medical disability certificate and ID to collect their entry pass.